Microsoft Excel is used in every organization’s daily operations. Businesses that only use Microsoft Excel are completely dependent on it. here are top 50 ms excel queries one should know.
- How can I create a drop-down list in Excel?
- What is the shortcut for inserting a new worksheet?
- How do I freeze panes in Excel?
- Can you explain the VLOOKUP function in Excel?
- How do I protect cells in an Excel worksheet?
- What is conditional formatting, and how can I use it in Excel?
- Explain the difference between CONCATENATE and CONCAT functions.
- How can I remove duplicate values in Excel?
- What is the purpose of the IFERROR function?
- How do I transpose data in Excel?
- Explain the purpose of the INDEX and MATCH functions.
- What is the function of the COUNTIF and SUMIF functions?
- How can I create a pivot table in Excel?
- What is the purpose of the COUNTBLANK function?
- How do I use the Goal Seek feature in Excel?
- Explain the purpose of the HLOOKUP function.
- How can I create a macro in Excel?
- What is the purpose of the NOW and TODAY functions?
- How do I use the Data Validation feature in Excel?
- Explain the purpose of the CHOOSE function.
- How can I password protect an Excel workbook?
- What is the purpose of the DATEDIF function?
- How do I use the SUBSTITUTE function in Excel?
- Explain the purpose of the ROUND function.
- How can I convert text to numbers in Excel?
- What is the purpose of the PMT function?
- How do I use the CONCATENATEX function in DAX?
- How can I create a dynamic named range in Excel?
- Explain the purpose of the INDEX-MATCH-MATCH formula.
- How do I use the GROUP BY feature in Power Query?
- What is the purpose of the RANK function in Excel?
- How can I link cells between different worksheets?
- How do I use the TEXT function to format dates?
- Explain the purpose of the IFS function.
- How can I use the FILTER function in Excel?
- What is the purpose of the CELL function?
- How do I use the TREND function in Excel?
- How can I use the CONCATENATEX function in DAX?
- Explain the purpose of the XLOOKUP function.
- How do I use the INDIRECT function in Excel?
- What is the purpose of the OFFSET function?
- How can I create a custom number format in Excel?
- How do I use the RAND and RANDBETWEEN functions?
- Explain the purpose of the HYPERLINK function.
- How can I split text into columns in Excel?
- What is the purpose of the SEARCH and FIND functions?
- How do I use the AVERAGEIF function in Excel?
- Explain the purpose of the PMT function in financial calculations.
- How can I use the Slicer feature in Excel?
- What is the purpose of the N function in Excel?
Hope these questions help you to learn Microsoft excel very clearly and helps to. Perform your daily activities.