Python string : methods

Python string : methods

  1. capitalize(): Converts the first character to uppercase.
  2. casefold(): Similar to lowercasing, but more aggressive for comparing strings.
  3. center(width[, fillchar]): Returns a centered string.
  4. count(sub[, start[, end]]): Returns the number of occurrences of a substring.
  5. encode([encoding[, errors]]): Returns an encoded version of the string.
  6. endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]): Returns True if the string ends with the specified suffix.
  7. find(sub[, start[, end]]): Returns the lowest index of the substring.
  8. format(*args, **kwargs): Formats the string.
  9. isalnum(): Returns True if all characters in the string are alphanumeric.
  10. join(iterable): Concatenates elements of an iterable to the string.
  11. lower(): Converts all characters to lowercase.
  12. upper(): Converts all characters to uppercase.
  13. replace(old, new[, count]): Replaces occurrences of a substring with another string.
  14. split([sep[, maxsplit]]): Splits the string at the specified separator.
  15. strip([chars]): Removes leading and trailing characters (default is whitespace).
  16. startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]): Returns True if the string starts with the specified prefix.
  17. title(): Converts the first character of each word to uppercase.
  18. isalpha(): Returns True if all characters in the string are alphabetic
  19. isascii() returns True if all of the characters in the string are ascii characters.
  20. isdecimal() Returns True if all of the characters in the string are decimals.
  21. isdigit() Returns True if all of the characters in the string are digits.
  22. isidentifier() Returns If the string is an identifier, it is true.
  23. islower() Returns True if all of the characters in the string are lower case.
  24. isnumeric() Returns True if all of the characters in the string are numbers.
  25. isprintable() returns true True if all of the characters in the string are printable.
  26. isspace() Returns True if all of the characters in the string are whitespaces.
  27. istitle() returns True if the string adheres to the rules of a title.
  28. isupper() Returns True if all of the characters in the string are upper case.
  29. join() converts the elements of an iterable to a string.
  30. ljust() returns a left justified version of the string.
  31. lower() converts a string to lower case.
  32. lstrip() returns a left-trimmed version of the string.
  33. maketrans() returns a translation table for use in translations.
  34. partition() returns a tuple containing three parts of a string.
  35. replace() returns a string in which a specified value is replaced with another specified value.
  36. rfind() searches the string for a given value and returns the last position it was found.
  37. rindex() searches the string for a specified value and returns the last position where it was found.
  38. rjust() returns a right-justified version of the string.
  39. rpartition() returns a tuple containing the string divided into three parts.
  40. rsplit() splits the string at the separator specified and returns a list.
  41. rstrip() returns a string that has been correctly trimmed.
  42. split() divides a string at the specified separator and returns a list of the results.
  43. splitlines() returns a list after splitting the string at line breaks.
  44. returns true if the string begins with the specified value.
  45. strip() returns a trimmed version of the string.
  46. swapcase() swaps cases, making lower case upper case and vice versa.
  47. title() changes the first character of each word to upper case.
  48. translate() produces a string that has been translated.
  49. upper() converts a string to upper case.
  50. zfill() Fills the string with a specified number of 0 values at the beginning

Python string methods are essential for efficiently manipulating and working with textual data. They provide a variety of functions, including:

  1. String Modification:
  • Methods like upper(), lower(), capitalize(), and title() enable you to change the case of characters in a string, facilitating consistent formatting.
  1. Search and Replace:
  • find(), index(), and replace() help locate substrings and replace them, aiding in text manipulation and modification.
  1. String Formatting:
  • Methods like format() and f-strings simplify string formatting, making it easier to create dynamic and readable output.
  1. Whitespace Handling:
  • strip(), lstrip(), and rstrip() allow you to remove leading and trailing whitespaces, enhancing data cleanliness and presentation.
  1. String Splitting and Joining:
  • split() and join() assist in breaking strings into lists or combining lists into strings, aiding in data parsing and aggregation.
  1. Checking and Validation:
  • Methods such as startswith(), endswith(), and isalnum() help validate and verify strings, ensuring they meet specific criteria.
  1. Character Count and Manipulation:
  • count() and replace() enable you to count occurrences of characters or replace specific characters within a string.
  1. Substring Extraction:
  • Methods like slice notation and split() assist in extracting specific portions of a string, providing flexibility in data extraction.
  1. String Comparison:
  • Techniques like lexicographical comparison and methods like casefold() help in comparing strings, crucial for sorting and organizing data.
  1. Regular Expressions:
    • Python’s re module works hand-in-hand with string methods, allowing powerful pattern matching and manipulation for complex text processing tasks.

In conclusion, Python string methods are essential for handling and manipulating textual data, providing a rich set of tools to streamline various text-related operations in a convenient and efficient manner.

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